About Me

Hey there! My name is Jennifer, but I really prefer to be called Jenn. When I hear my full name, I tend to think I’m in trouble, not that I get into loads of trouble or anything, but you get the idea! I’ve been on this wonderful, crazy, beautiful earth for 20 years. Wow, I seriously feel old typing that out! But hey, time keeps moving no matter how much you wish it would just stop in its tracks. So, there’s one thing I feel you should all know about me... I love books and reading books! If I you take me in a book store it’s like I’m on crack or a little kid on Christmas morning. I’ve been compared to both.

When I was two I was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type II or SMA for short with Scoliosis, causing me to be confined to a wheel-chair. SMA is a disease that weakens your muscles and immune system. Scoliosis is a curvature of your spine. Basically, the best way for me to describe it is to say this; it’s like being paralyzed with some upper body and arm movement. It sucks, it really really really sucks, but I try not to let it get me down. I can do everything most people can do; I just have to do things a little differently or with a little help.

In all honesty, I don’t have a whole lot of friends nor do I really like face to face interactions, although I do have a few close friends whom I love and adore for putting up with my craziness. If you have social anxiety please raise your hand! It’s not that I don’t like people, because I truly do, I’m just very extremely shy, so in the off chance that you’d see me in person, please don’t be offended if I ignore you and hide behind my mom and dad.

I’m a total and complete fangirl, no lie. I will fangirl over everything and anything that I love or care about, whether it’s books, movies, music (Taylor Swift is life), TV shows, anything! I didn’t choose the fandom life, it chose me. Books and TV shows are my bread and butter. One time I added up all of the shows that I watch and it totaled out right around 37, if I’m remembering correctly, and that’s a week.

TV Shows I Currently Watch: The 100, The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, Pretty Little Liars, Scream, Playing House, Suits, Nashville, The Fosters, Chasing Life, Chicago Fire, Chicago PD, The Walking Dead, Reign and many more that I can’t think of for some reason right now. I’m having a brain fade.

TV Shows I Miss: Gossip Girl, Revenge, One Tree Hill, The OC, Friday Night Lights and Sons of Anarchy

TV Shows I’ll Be Watching This Fall: Blood & Oil, Quantico, and Wicked City

As you can tell I love television as much as I love books.

I mostly read Young Adult, but I have been branching out into other genres such as New Adult and Romance. I’m not going to lie, romance really isn’t my thing per say. I like it and all, the swoon worthy characters, don’t get me wrong, but I enjoy it more with a twist, for example Four and Tris in the Divergent series. They had a romance that made my heart melt, but it wasn’t the focal point of the story. I like it more as a subplot I guess you could say. But, like I said before, I am branching out and broadening my horizons a bit and beginning to like more and more in the New Adult and Romance genres.

Favorite Books Include: The Hunger Games Series, Divergent Series, Burying Water Series, Beautiful Creatures Series, the Fault in Our Stars, If I Stay, Dark Places, Sharp Objects, The 100 Series

If you’ve read this entire thing I commend you for that! This got super long. Wow, for someone who doesn’t like to talk about herself I sure didn’t have any problems here. I hope you enjoy reading my reviews and getting to know me!



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